
Aftercare Instructions

Cling film:

Keep the wrap on until you get home. No longer than 3 hours.

After removal, gently wash the tattooed area with warm water and unscented anti-bacterial soap.

Days 1-3: Wash 2-3 times a day.

Once it's dry, apply a gentle, breathable ointment. (Aquaphor, Hustle Butter, etc.)

After 3 days, reduce washing to once per day and apply a thin layer of unscented lotion. (Lubriderm, Aveeno, etc.)

Continue applying lotion every day for 2 weeks.

Second Skin:

Leave the bandage on for 5-7 days.
Excess plasma and ink will be inside of the bandage and make the tattoo look blurry or “dirty”, this is normal

When it's time for removal, gently peel off the bandage.
If you're finding it difficult to remove, it's easier in the shower.

After removing the bandage, clean with unscented antibacterial soap.

Apply an unscented lotion to the tattoo daily for 1-2 weeks.